Our services

Statistical Consultation


Research Guide LLC Statistical Consultation Services are highly flexible as we understand the need for distinct statistical research requirements. Our Consultants have substantial experience and comprehensive knowledge in using SPSS, AMOS, STATA, EViews, and SAS. Research Guide LLC ensures you that the best method in obtaining and analyzing data is used.

Our goal

We offer services for every step of a project, regardless of how large or small. We specialize in such diverse functions as problem formulation, experimental design and sample-size determination, selection of statistical models, advice on statistical modeling, help with interpreting output, advice on choice of statistical software, programming assistance with statistical analysis, explanation of statistical content of papers in your discipline, statistical analysis plan, writing the results section, and help with reviewers’ comments and re-submissions.

Have a project? Contact us at:

  • Sample Size
  • Statistical model selection
  • Interpretation
  • Statistical software (SPSS, SATA & SAS)

  • Programming Languages (R & Python)
  • Explanation of statistical content of papers in your discipline
  • Paragraphs on statistical methods for grant proposals
  • Writing the results section
  • Help with reviewers’ comments and resubmissions

Our services

Other services we offer

Proposal Preparation

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